

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

America VS. Africa

In class, yet again we discuss America ,the west, or the whites as my professor so eloquently says it. So these are some of the differences she says that Africans and Americans have…please don’t get offended realize the this is usually from people who have never even been to America. However somethings are very true I think. Either way this is interesting to realize.
These are the areas in which we differ mostly: (African perspective)

  •  Communication
    • Politeness- everybody is expected to greet when passing-by somebody, knowing him or not. If knowing the individual, a hand-on-heart greeting is expected.
    • Just saying “yes”, “no” or “hey” is not acceptable in African culture as it is in American. 
  •  Child-rearing methods 
    •  Africans particularly amaXhosa take it as their responsibility to train their children to be responsible community members, trustworthy future parents and respectable citizens. 
    •  Americans rear their children in a independent way not related to society or any social norms. Individualism is important and self gain.
  • Religious beliefs
    • Western culture is basically practical, naturalistic or scientific. Westerners believe in scientific approach religion so to find a way to stabilize, control and improve their lifestyle.
    • In African worldview God is understood as the Creator and Almighty. Spirituality and ancestors is the most supportive phenomenon.
  • Marriage
    •  Africans ,agreement is between the two sets of parents without the consent of the two youths. The bond of relationship between the two families is strengthened by payment of lobola from the side of the young man.
    • Western Culture two young people could get married and their family could never even meet because its about individual happiness not a collective happiness from the family and the community. 
  •  Functions 
    •  Africans extend unlimited forms of invitation because what is important is the fellowship with others in the community.
    • Westerners invite a limited number of friends and relatives because again they are concerned with money and logistical.
Ofcourse there are many many more but these are some of the biggest points!

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