

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Diamond in the Rough!

Shopping here is beautiful of course I love to go to the free market on Sunday and just look at all the handmade work from the people. Very talented people. Beautiful artwork that really blows my mind…because they didn’t have four years of art training you know? There art comes directly from the heart, from their environment, and that’s what makes it remarkable. These artisans are so talented….i mean museum talented. And they don’t use machines or computer graphics. This is blood sweat and tears put into this. And talent like this sits on the side of the streets hoping to get a buyer. In America anyone with money can be famous regardless of his talents you know (I’ve seen a lot of artwork that has proven this point)? But they have some seriously talented people that can’t get a break. Painting, sculpturing, beadwork, sewing…they can do it all. That makes me want to work even harder, because I do have the opportunity to make something of my life and I don’t want to waste a chance, a chance that could have been given to one of them. I have to take advantage of ever y opportunity God places before me! Not letting anything go untried, unadventured, unexperienced, unsaid, undone. Doing all that I am capable of in Gods name. Because I’m not a diamond in the rough, but I’m a gem in a pretty decent life and I am going to live it up. What’s worse being a diamond in the rough trying to make it? Being so good at something and not having the resources to make it. Or being a diamond or even a pretty descent gem in America and sitting on it… get the picture.

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