Ok, so yesterday me and my friend spotted this penguin coming out of the ocean as we were coming from lunch. So of course, we freak out and run over to it. But then we realize there is something wrong with it…it was covered in oil!! Yes like oil as in BP oil….I mean I’m not saying it was from BP but nevertheless isn’t that horrible? The poor little guy was so far from home and he was all alone covered in this thick layer of oil. So we had to try to find help for the little guy. We couldn’t stay until the rescue came so some other people took over but I really hope the little guy is ok now. I can’t believe I actually witnessed this. It kind of put everything that I hear in the news about pollution and environmental toxins into a realm of reality. I mean I have never been a fan of littering and I always try to be eco-friendly but now that I have seen this little guy suffering because of poor decisions we as human beings have made. It’s so sad. And now I feel I must do more. More to help. Look at em’….
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