

Sunday, September 26, 2010


This is the neighborhood the Wine tasting was in where the Elite African Woman says she dare not go anymore..
I say black Africans here because we mustn't disregard the fact that their are white africans. However the people who I was discussing in the Wine and Dine post are black Africans from Xhosa or Zulu tribes who have managed to make it out of the townships (poor areas). I am telling you, you would think that being so aware of where they CAME from that maybe possibly they wouldn't have their noses stuck in the air. I was attempting to have a conversation with one of the elite and I asked her about a restaurant I had recently went to (black owned)..."Oh heavens no...that place is awfully dirty. I just don't go to places like that I don't hang around places like this."...(a black African sounding almost more American than me) How sad is this...once you make it out you take on this persona of superiority? I'm going to stop here.  I just expected different. This is the neighborhood the wine tasting was in. and this was the very nice building smack dab in the middle of it...something is not right about this picture!
This very nice building right in the middle of shacks

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