

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Nobel:Great Warrior:Unger

SO I WAS IN CLASS AND MY TEACHER CALLS ME OUT TO ASK ME WHAT MY NAME MEANS…..I HAD NO ANSWER…I DON’T KNOW…ETHELYN. And she looked so concerned and then she said "no, maybe you don’t understand the question…what does your name mean…what is the significant meaning? You don’t know?"
 The entire class was quiet right…ugh I looked like an idiot. So this particular professor is apart of the Xhosa tribe so I researched a little more into it.
 Apparently when a child is born it is not up to the parents but up to the whole community, well the wise ancestral members, to name this child. The name is suppose to be almost a prophecy of what the child will grow up to contribute to the culture or society. So for example, one may name their child a name that means healer…meaning that they would have a spiritual gift of some sort.  This got me to thinking…Could this really be? So I looked up my name and Ethelyn means noble. Gertrude (however embarrassing) means great warrior, superior woman!! Wow I would like to think that maybe what your name means really does say something about your personality and future…what do you think?

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