

Monday, October 18, 2010


I thought that maybe this feeling would never come seeing how I did not experience this at the beginning of my journey here. However it is now, now that I am almost 75% completed with it that I am feeling the desire to just be at home more than ever. My God how I long to just be at home, I don’t care if that means being cramped in a room with my little sister. I don’t care if that means I wont have my own “SPACE”. I’m telling you that is the least of my worries from now on. It almost seems petty that I even dwelled on that for so long. I mean being here has given me a new perspective on it all and I no longer have to have things my way to be happy. I will be happy just be know that I have atleast one reason to be. That’s beautiful right? Happiness because you can name at least one thing to be happy about. That’s what it is all about right? Who says that you deserve to be allocated a certain amount of happiness before you can indeed express it? That’s complete crap. God didn’t promise us that we would get what we thought we deserved..or even get ANYTHING but eternal life right? Besided happiness is relative. I see that now. What I thought didn’t affect me at all ,now would give me immense happiness just to think about it. hmmm missing home but staying positive bc I cant wait to feel that happiness!

-This is an old blog that just now decided to load. Im behind a few days.

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