

Monday, October 18, 2010

Weekend with Afrikaners-Friday!

So Friday we started off for the mountains to live a weekend with the Afrikaans! For all of you that don’t know Afrikaners are an Afrikaans-speaking ethnic group in Southern Africa. They are mainly of Dutch descent augmented with French and German ancestry, and their native tongue is Afrikaans, a Germanic language which derives from Dutch. Nevertheless we went to a frontier farm about 2 hours outside of Port Elizabeth. This area was surrounded by the Winterburg mountains.  It was beautiful and a great experience…just the for weekend.
I caught this sheep!

We castrated male sheep...and then ate them.(please no judging)
Feeding some kind of wild animal...sorry they are start to sound the same.
We had to drink straight from the utter...yea I dont have good aim.

That face is me afraid the one in front was going to kick me in the face.

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