

Saturday, September 18, 2010

African AmONKEYS

Apparently this is how Africans see us (African Americans).

Yea the only perspective they view us from, is from the perspective they get from media, our media. TV shows like New York Finds Love and Flava Flav…those happen to be the kind of shows that trinkle over to Africa! Why? Who gets to choose that? Why don’t they get shows that show us in a more eloquent, behaved fashion instead of “wild animals”... which are the exact words used by an Africa a friend and I met in class recently. Apparently people in my class had never met an African American; they have met white Americans but just not an African American. After a few minutes of touching me and shaking my hand they asked me this question….”Why is it that we have never met an African American? Do you not want to know us?” Obviously I am not the talking spokes person for African Americans but that is a good question….why don’t we come to Africa??

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